Doug West, "Her Every Word", Ltd ed serigraph, 30"h x 21.5"w image,1986

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We are the only representative for the serigraphs of Doug West and have represented him since the early 80's. Recently we were fortunate to receive about 70 West serigraphs all of which have been sold out for years. Some date back to the 70's. For more than 30 years, Doug West has given to his daughter (as a gift) one each of most of the new serigraphs as they have been created. Over time, the number of silkscreens became far more than anyone could hang in a single home. Rather than just 'store' the prints, Doug's daughter asked us to offer them for sale. She would rather have Doug's collectors enjoy seeing them on their walls than out of sight in a print cabinet.The pricing shown has been provided by Doug West and are his current appraised values for each of these classic prints. Documentation will be provided.